10 Best Things About The Last Day of School

Today is the last day of school for my 9-year-old. Yesterday, she talked for at least an hour about her newest crush and how she might offer him the digits before they depart forever (well summer feels like forever anyway). I told her to simmer down. I don’t need her hitting on boys left and right now that she knows they exist.

Anyway, as she was leaving today, I encouraged her to have fun and enjoy. She said they probably won’t even sit down because the chairs have been put up already. I suddenly had a flashback to my own last days of school. There was nothing more exciting then walking into class and knowing nothing of educational importance would be done that day. In honor of those times, I’ve created my own list of the 10 best things about the last day of school.

1. Cleaning Out Your Desk

Taking out all your crap and finding gems you haven’t seen since the first week of school. Wiping down your desk with a rag. Putting your chair on top when you’re done. Ah, what’s the smell? Not a freshly cleaned room. It’s the smell of freedom!

2. Being Done With That One Teacher You Didn’t Like

I liked most of my teachers and have some fond memories. But every blue moon, one rubbed me the wrong way. And the best thing about school was that no matter how bad (or good) your teachers were, it would only last a year!

3. Hoping Your Crush Will Finally Declare Their Love

The pain of having to leave your school crush for the summer can be unbearable. How does one live without seeing them everyday, for hours on end? Oh, the tragedy! That’s why the last day of school held so much hope and promise. Maybe that kid will realize what he’s losing and finally make his move!

4. No More Homework

There is nothing more exciting than the thought of going brain dead for the summer. Ok, maybe not quite that bad, but at least your day will be yours and will not involve reading about the Civil War or adding fractions. Winning!

So over it!

5. Later Bedtimes

You always get to stay up a little later during the summer. No more early days = later nights. Party time!

6. The Magical Transition From One Grade To Another

You walk in to school one grade and leave an official grade higher. How cool is that?!?

7. A Useless Day

There is no actual learning on the last day of school. No one listens to the teacher (the risk of punishment and repercussions have been greatly reduced since, well…summer). Everyone is way too hyper and excited. And once those chairs are up, it’s a wrap. Even the teachers are much more relaxed. Can it get any better?

8. More TV

This may not apply to everyone, but I only got about an hour of tv a day when school was in session. And no tv before homework was done. Summer vacation meant more tube time. Kids don’t care about mind wasting activities!

9. Last Day Drama

I don’t know about anyone else’s school, but at my school the last day was always filled with empty threats to settle old school yard beefs. When the bell rang, we lingered on school grounds to see the big “fight.” 99% of the time nothing ever happened. On the small chance it did, it was a clumsy affair where no one got hurt. It usually involved circling each other like some weird mating ritual and bumping shoulders. But it was quite entertaining. (And no, I don’t condone school violence. Kids were much tamer and more civilized back then).

Stop it! No, you stop it!

10. It’s The Official Beginning of Summer

The days are longer. The sun is out. The weather is nice and warm! Who doesn’t love summer? Lazy days and nothing but possibilities. I sure miss those days. Why don’t adults get a 3 month break from life?!

Schooool’s. out. for. summer!!!


Featured image credit: Michelle Milla

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