Arizona Memories: A Look Back

This is our last week in Arizona and I’m realizing how much I’m going to miss this place. No, not the unbearably hot summers. That will be a memory I’d rather forget. But I will miss the almost eternal sunshine, the scenic drives, our favorite restaurants…

I went down memory lane in my head, so I thought I’d share some of my favorite experiences here.

Barro’s Pizza

We are going to miss our favorite pizza place in the world! I’m ashamed at how I stuffed myself silly when we first discovered this place.


Lolo’s Chicken and Waffles

I’m almost in tears that we are leaving Lolo’s Chicken and Waffles. Yes, we like to eat apparently as my first memories involve yummy food. I guess my 4-year-old will have to pick a new birthday spot for dinner!



Arizona sunsets are just the most beautiful sight! It never gets old.


Payson, AZ

I’ll definitely miss our picnics in Payson. A nice, small little town we escape to when we want to get away from the heat.


Tombstone, Arizona

My oldest son still talks about our trip to Tombstone last year. We got to see a reenactment of the Gunfight at O.K. Corral and walk through the area it actually happened.

My son did not appreciate the pretend hanging.


Grand Canyon

Of course we had to go to the Grand Canyon. Twice! Our kids were too young to hike through it, but it was still an amazing experience that I got to check off my bucket list.


Apache Trail

And who could forget our harrowing drive on the Apache Trail to go see the Roosevelt Dam! Hubby decided to take the road less traveled and let’s say it’s a route I’m glad we took, but I’d never take again!


Arizona Renaissance Festival

My daughter won a writing contest and got free tickets to the Arizona Renaissance Festival and “Royal Press” passes. She even got to meet the Royal Family!


ASU Basketball Game

We also won free tickets to an ASU Sun Devils game and got to go behind the scenes! That was so fun!

On daddy’s shoulders high fiving the team!


Scenic Drives

I’ll never forget the beautiful scenic drives! I was just in awe sometimes.


Camping Trip

Camping with a mountain backdrop wasn’t so bad either!


Another place, another set of memories. I’ve had so many great experiences in Arizona and I am glad we got to live here, if even for a little while. I do wish I could bottle up some of this sun and warmth and take it with me. Those Michigan winters are going to be a beast!

But enough with my trip down memory lane. I’ve got more packing to do!


Featured Image: jpellgen



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