Don’t Worry, Be Happy

I am generally a happy person. But I am prone to letting the stresses of life get to me sometimes. I mean really get to me. I hate when there are things out of my control. I worry about the future. I stress about my family. I want everything to be perfect. So when things aren’t going exactly the way I want or expect them to, I tend to get anxious and filled with unrest.

Yesterday was one of those times. Nothing life shattering or overly serious. But enough to sour my mood and put me in a “woe is me” frame of mind. And since I wear my heart on my sleeve, my mood was spreading like an infectious disease.

After a long day, I had a glass of wine (because sometimes you just need one…or two) and gathered my thoughts. I began to relax a little and immersed myself in a Tiny House Nation marathon on tv. Because I am obsessed with tiny houses and fantasize about living in one. But I digress. The point was to do something that took my mind off things.

That evening, a dust storm began brewing and my daughter asked to go outside to “feel the wind.” I looked at her through the window and saw her running through the yard without a care in the world. I wanted to be like that. To feel the kind of freedom that only children seem to experience.

I took my 2-year-old outside to join her. I smiled as they played together, enjoyed the laughter as I sprayed them with cold water to keep them cool and felt the wind against my face. The air did me good. I began to feel the stress fade away. I came in the house and my husband was playing music while serenading the baby. We engaged in an impromptu dance party.  We were silly, wild and carefree. I began to think: “Life is pretty darn good!” Suddenly, things didn’t seem so bad after all.

Did the source of my frustration go away? No. But my perspective changed. I realized that I could choose to drown in my worries. Or I could choose to be happy. I could choose to let go of what I can’t do anything about and enjoy the things and people in my life that bring out the joy in me.

If you’re struggling with life’s curve balls, just remember: a little drinkin’, a little dancin’, some fresh air and a whole lot of family might do you good. But those are things that work for me. Insert whatever it is that brings you pleasure into the equation. Maybe it’s reading or gardening. Or going to the gym and letting loose on a punching bag. You might have a best friend to call and vent to. Whatever it is, sometimes the smallest distractions can make a world of difference.

Dwelling on a situation with worry and anxiety never solved one problem. It may feel like everything is going wrong at times. But I bet if you look hard enough, you probably can find something good and positive to be thankful for. Sometimes you just need to take a mental vacation, learn to enjoy life a little more and let the struggles rest until tomorrow.


Featured picture by Moyan Brenn on Flickr