Finding Purpose: Beyond The Comfort Zone

We’ve been here in Michigan for almost 2 months now and we have finally started to settle in. As I’ve gotten to know the area, I’ve been having thoughts very unfamiliar to me. One day I just woke up and thought: I want to get to know the people in this community. I need to expand my social network.

I can honestly say I’ve never in my life thought I needed to branch out and “mingle.” As I’ve mentioned before, I have always been an introvert and not interested in changing that. So these thoughts were very confusing. I don’t like people! Well, that’s a little harsh. I just would prefer to be left alone. But now in this new place, amongst these new people, I feel the need to not be a stranger.

It actually goes deeper than just meeting new people. I’ve been feeling a need to do “more” for several months now. Like this feeling that there is more to life than waking up, taking care of the children, and going about my daily tasks. I’ve been developing more compassion for those who aren’t as fortunate as me. The people who are food insecure. Kids whose only guarantee of a solid meal are free lunches at school. Of course the homeless are always a major concern. But what about the working poor, who struggle to buy diapers or make ends meet?

I’m not sure what brought this on. Maybe it’s a recent reawakening of my spiritual life. I haven’t been “religious” in the traditional sense in a long time, but I have always had a strong faith. Yet, with the chaos of life and some really trying times in recent years, I can’t say I’ve given it the nurturing it deserves.

Maybe it’s the fact that my children aren’t appreciating the privileges they enjoy. They can be rather spoiled and entitled at times. They don’t know any better. They’ve been quite blessed to never have had to struggle. Even in my “poorest” days of childhood, I never went to bed hungry. I never had to worry about clothes or whether I would have a roof over my head.

I’ve been blessed and now I’m starting to feel like I need to be a blessing to others. It’s scary. I don’t know where to start. My introversion tells me I need to stay in my own, safe cocoon. But I know I need to be more active in my community, helping people in even the smallest ways. Maybe I can buy some extra food and donate it or even hand it out personally. I want my children involved so that they can see the other side of life and check their privilege.

As I find the spiritual side of my life coming back into prominence, I don’t feel compelled to go converting people by preaching at them. There are plenty of people much more suited for that aspect than me. I don’t want to judge people or condemn them. It’s scary how religious folks can be some of the most hateful people I’ve ever seen. I just want to love. Is that so wrong?

I am working up the courage to fulfill my “calling” right now. It’s so much easier to sit on the sidelines and let other people solve the world’s problems. But I believe we all have a role to play and each of us can touch someone else’s life for the better.

I am hoping to meet the challenge to be better, do better and love better. Wish me luck!


Featured image credit: Matt Miller



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