Mom, Are We There Yet?

I am painfully aware that I have not been posting a lot in the last several weeks. As if dealing with a new baby wasn’t enough, my family and I packed up and made the move from Texas to Arizona. We are still settling in, but everyone seems to be adjusting nicely. Except for this heat, though. I’ve turned into an old Southern woman. I just go around uttering, “Lord, have mercy!” Singing “Ooh-wee!” and going “mm-mm-mm!”  I might just break down and sing some old spirituals if these 115 degree temperatures don’t ease up soon.

Since I am no longer a mom living in Houston, my former blog, “Houston Mom 101” had to meet an untimely death. May it rest in peace. Since I grew weary of trying to figure out how to transfer my old blog posts to my new domain, I decided to move on and start from scratch. However, over the next several weeks I will slowly add back my previous posts. As far as the new blog, I’ve decided to rename it: “Mom, Are We There Yet?”

The name came to me as we made our long journey to Arizona. I remember sitting in the car waiting to see how long it would take for my daughter to say the words she always utters when we take a long road trip: “Mom, are we there yet?” To which I reply “Hell, no! Now simmer down!” No, I don’t really say that. Not out loud anyway. But it is tempting.

As we drove along, I began to think of how life is really one big question of when we are going to get to wherever it is that we want to be. It may be a physical place that we want to move to. A spiritual place that we want to attain. Financial security, getting married, having children, retirement. We spend most of our lives wondering “Are we there yet?” And if not, when are we going to get there? This is the place that I come to say “No, I’m not there yet.” I’m in my figurative car with a tank full of gas, the family is all buckled in tight and we are headed off to the thousands of new adventures that await us.

I hope you continue to join us for the ride!