Pinterest Envy and Unfulfilled Dreams

All right. I’ll admit it. I have Pinterest envy. It is the worst invention for uncrafty, underachieving women and moms everywhere. Don’t get me wrong. I love it. It’s filled with recipes, crafts, DIY tutorials. Everything my little heart desires. I get in Pinterest pinning frenzies and give myself pep talks like “Yes, you too can actually do this!” But no. In all reality, I can’t.

The holidays are coming up and that always gets me in the mood to get all crafty. Easter. St. Patrick’s Day. Spring is just around the corner (who doesn’t want to do Spring-y stuff?) These next few months will be the perfect time to do fun, crafty projects with the kids. I will pin it up in the weeks ahead, fully believing this will be the perfect bonding time with my little ones. I will finally maximize my potential and shine! And it will be epic! But I know that I will either never look at these pins again or go back and say to myself, “That is way too complicated for me.” Or truth be told, I probably just won’t feel like doing it.

I just want to know where these women find the time? They, with their perfectly decorated homes and 8 course meals. And their 52 different bunny crafts for Easter. Oh and they’re usually married, with triplets and full-time jobs and Huffington Post blogs. Why can’t I do all that? I’m just trying to keep everyone alive and avoiding popping in a frozen meal for dinner.

Sure, I’ve managed to make some Pinterest inspired successful meals here or there. Maybe a sewing tutorial was miraculously completed. But there are many more times when my family has probably flat out lied to me about how well one of my more complex cooking/baking adventures have turned out. And I have a closet full of crap that I bought with the best of intentions of doing some mighty fine crafts. But every time I look at that stuff, I shrug my shoulders and utter “Meh.”

A Pinterest project that didn’t fail. Christmas pajamas I sewed myself.

But apparently, I am not alone in my lack of natural creativity and talent. There are now websites devoted to Pinterest fails, where people post pictures and stories of projects that didn’t quite turn out as planned. Average women like me can now have a place to laugh at other people’s mistakes and know that we are not alone in our creative failures. Untalented sisters (and brothers) unite!

But I just can’t quit you, Pinterest. I will still pin (and pine) away. Fooling myself about learning how to crotchet that sweater or throwing that pirate themed birthday party (with the homemade cardboard pirate ship and costumes to match). I will have to be content with letting the “Mom of the Year” title fall to these other perfect women who taunt me daily with their professionally photographed pictures of their awesome creations. But sometimes, it’s fun to pretend, dream and let my fantasies run wild anyway.

I’m sorry, dear children, but your mom lived in a fantasy world. And in that world our home was always decked out with beautiful holiday decorations for every season. Handmade furniture I made so skillfully with my own blood, sweat and tears. Our clothes (made by me) and hands stained with paint, glue and glitter from the amazing crafts we did together. And of course, wonderful meals worthy of being profiled on the Food Network. However, my dear ones, this was all in my head. Never to be realized. But just take a peak inside of my Pinterest boards and you will see my heart. A heart filled with the desire, but not the ability. Ok, maybe not even the desire. But the want to desire. Hey, if you want perfect, you’re gonna have to find one of those Pinterest moms to adopt you!


Image © mkhmarketing