Why My Son Is Crying

My son cries. A lot. And sometimes the reasons are so silly and absurd that it becomes quite comical. If he keeps at it long enough, I’ll take a picture. No, I’m not heartless and unfeeling. It just gets old. And it usually distracts him as he hears the camera click and he looks at his contorted, tearful face. The crying ends, he gets a laugh out of it and it’s a win for everyone.

These are some of the reasons my son has cried over the years.

He Ate All His Food And Now Life Has No Meaning


Santa is Evil

Get me off of this crazy, bearded man!

I Told Him The Land Of Never Ending Juice Doesn’t Exist (pics taken over 2 days, hence the different color cups)


The Book With The Finger Puppet Dog Sticking Out Of It Was Overwhelming In Its Realism 

Why Does That Dog Keep Staring At Me?!?

No One Truly Gets Him

I cannot go on
I cannot go on

Birthday Candles Are Scary

What is this fiery stick of death you’ve set before me!?!?

His First Hair Cut Introduced Him To The Horrors Of Scissors

Is she gonna cut off my whole head??

Santa Is Still Evil

Santa is Evil
I hate you all for doing this to me!

The Grand Canyon Sucks

This is stupid!

We went to Party City and he said he wanted to be Spider-Man for Halloween.

And then he wanted to be Batman. And then he got home with the Batman costume and decided he wanted to be Spider-Man for realz this time.

Halloween is ruined!

His ABC book said R is for Ring. Why Doesn’t He Have A Ring!?!?!

It’s all lies!!

I Was Watching The View. He Hates The View.

This is the worst show ever!
This is the worst show ever!

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